Sunday, December 8, 2013

Buttermilk makes everything better

Since being home since September 2012 I have started cooking a lot more and trying newer recipes.   I have found I can make the best of a dish and the very next time completely screw it up without changing a thing.  Its a lesson in itself from being a mom with three children and always on the go.  My baby, well he's almost three, but he will always be my little baby has started loving to help me make anything in the kitchen and with that requires patience.  His favorite to make is biscuits which he and I have perfected together.   I never thought I would ever get homemade biscuits down, but with his help and buttermilk I can happily say we have it down pat.  He is sooo cute the way he says "I do it, I do it."  I prepare the biscuits and always give him the leftover dough so he can cut the biscuits however he wants to and it always requires two spoons, rolling pin, measuring cup, biscuit cutter which we use an old cinnamon sauce cup from cinnamon rolls and last but not least lots of flour.  He loves to spread the flower all over the counter which is perfectly fine because he always has fun.  The biscuits come out golden brown and he absolutely loves them.  Having him help me in the kitchen makes everything tastes good burnt or not, but buttermilk is my new best friend.  Days are very full of ups and downs being a mom to three completely different personality type children and at any moment the mood can change from good to chaotic to completely crazy.  So yes as a mother of three I can definitely say we might have multiple personalities.   Not in a bad way but just from having to juggle three different types of children.  I wouldn't trade being a mom for anything in the entire world, but at the end of the day when all the lights go out and I can finally let out that full breath that I have been pushing through all day its a complete sigh of relief that I have accomplished what I could for the day and tomorrow is a brand new day.  I pray along the way I instill good values in my children and hope that even though they may get that occasional spanking or stern look that I love them unconditionally and being a mom is the greatest gift on earth.  They try my patience daily, push my buttons and I often hear from my husband that I am not consistent enough with them, but have you ever watched a bag of popcorn as it pops?  Well that's kind of like being a mom, you have these different kernels inside bouncing around going all different directions and you have me the mom aka the bag puffing up more and more trying to put out fires of fights, arguments,  tears, boo boos and whatever else life brings.  When the timer is done which is pretty much night time in essence the bag is full of perfectly popped kernels aka my children and the end result is a beautiful and delicious finish.  Being a mom is the number one hardest job on the planet, and I fail daily.  I get overwhelmed,  aggravated,  insane at times, frantic and lost all in the same day.  These children look to me for direction and I have to remember that they are not always tearing something up just because they are quiet.  They are not always going to fight or maybe they will, but they will always need me for the battles of life.  So I will embrace the challenge and roll with the punches.  I will drown my hard days in buttermilk and remember God choose me for this challenge and he never said it would be easy, but he did promise to give me sufficient grace and mercy to handle all life's little mishaps.   So on to today's screams, cries, happy times and hard lessons of life and time to make biscuits.